Bahrain Polytechnic

Bahrain Polytechnic is located in Isa Town, Bahrain. It is locally known as بوليتكنك البحرين. The university was established in 2008.

Institute Profile

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University Name Bahrain Polytechnic
Name in Local Language بوليتكنك البحرين
Year Established 2008


The institute is located in Isa Town. Find the address and map of the institute below.

Address Isa Town, Bahrain


Connect with the institute easily! Find their contact details.

Phone +973 1789 7000
Fax +973 1789 7009
Website Bahrain Polytechnic Website
Email Click here to send email
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Programs and Courses

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Bachelor's Degrees Master's Degrees Doctorate Degrees Diplomas
Arts & Humanities n/a n/a n/a n/a
Business & Social Sciences n/a n/a n/a
Engineering n/a n/a n/a
Language & Cultural Studies n/a n/a n/a n/a
Medicine & Health n/a n/a n/a n/a
Science & Technology n/a n/a n/a

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Admission Info

Admission to Bahrain Polytechnic typically requires completion of secondary education (or an equivalent qualification). For undergraduate programs, applicants must meet the university’s academic entry requirements, which may include standardized tests or an interview. International students must provide proof of their academic qualifications, language proficiency (in English), and additional documentation such as a visa application and proof of financial support. Graduate program applicants typically need a relevant bachelor’s degree, and may also be required to submit additional materials such as a statement of purpose or letters of recommendation.

Scholarship and Financial Aids

Bahrain Polytechnic offers a variety of scholarships and financial aid options to both local and international students. Scholarships are typically merit-based and help to reduce tuition fees. Additionally, the university offers financial assistance to students from low-income backgrounds. Bahrain Polytechnic also encourages student participation in international exchange programs and offers funding opportunities for students who wish to study abroad or engage in collaborative research projects.

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